Lawn maintenance


I was very lazy when it comes to maintaining the yard. I plant different herbs and shrubs. But I was never bothered maintaining them. After attending a survey regarding lawn maintenance, I understood the worth of having a healthy lawn at home. Even a healthy grass at our lawn is crucial to our environment. It can reduce pollution, absorbs greenhouse gas, and produces an abundant supply of clean oxygen. Lawns also clean water through filtration, reduce soil erosion and water run-off while providing a soft, safe, and cool outdoor space for people and pets to rest and play. I planted some more shrubs and flowering plants in the lawn. Like creating a lawn, it is also important to maintain them. We must ensure that the plants in our lawn receive the proper fertilizer for them to grow. In the survey, it was told that plants need the proper balance of nutrients to grow and stay healthy. In order to have a thick, healthy lawn that can fight off weeds and withstand drought conditions, proper feeding and watering, timely cutting are necessary. Fertilizer ensures your lawn has all the nutrients in the proper amounts it needs to grow. I purchased some good lawn fertilizer after attending the survey in Mississauga. Another important thing is proper irrigation. I hope this was informative. Any other tips you can share?
I was paid to make tall grass short for too long to care about how my yard looks.

Most lawns have too thick roots for the water to sink in. Almost all of it runs off. Leaves or other mulches work better at water retention than lawns. You can work with berms to hold more of the water on your land. Or break up your yard with well mulched bushes or flowerbeds.

Lawn ferts is the leading cause of the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico. Farmers never use extra ferts. It's all about the bottom line with them. But home owners think that if a little fert is good, then a lot must be great. The extra gets washed into storm drains, and most of it ends up in an ocean near you.