Leaching my plants

doby mick

Active Member
Hi RIU uses a little question here for anyone who wants to explain leaching to me, it is just the same flushing or is it? and when would you leach your plants and why? This might sound a stupid question but when the only garden i have ever owned, is a window box, then youll understand, anyway time to build a :joint::joint: or two lol


Well-Known Member
Leaching is when you water to run off. Flushing is overdone leaching.

You should water to run off with every watering. Nute the same way, to run off.



Well-Known Member
Of course it's simple. LOL

Stoners love to complicate the simple.

Gardeners/farmers just sorta scratch their heads at all this convoluted shit growing a simple flowering annual.



Active Member
so is leaching still ok with no pearlite? im starting to feel like my ffof soil is compacting up when i do that because the soil has settled so much.

doby mick

Active Member
NIce one wetdog the simpler the better for me i must admit im getting into my gardening, it must be the age, me thinks. Well time to medicate :joint: now so the best time of the day for me 2 bowls and a fatty and happy days.


New Member
Just when you water them let some water drible from the bottom of the pots: this is only done in soil mediums.


Well-Known Member
so is leaching still ok with no pearlite? im starting to feel like my ffof soil is compacting up when i do that because the soil has settled so much.
ffof should have more perlite added to it, otherwise it will compact regardless. Still water to run off, but probably longer between waterings.

Call it a learning experience.
