Leaf discoloration issue

Hi all! I recently noticed some discoloration on a few of my leaves. Looks like it might be a magnesium or suphur deficiency. Any ideas? Help would be much appreciated!


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Maybe. A foliage spray with a tsp epsom salt diluted in 1 gal water will quickly help if it's a mag deficiency. Looks a little like Potasium (K) deficiency. Don't know what your medium, ph, nutes etc are so hard to guess.
Sulphur? Maybe you are confused. It looks like the beginning of a calcium/magnesium deficiency that I experienced on my first hydro grow. The outside edges of the leaves start to turn a lighter green. As Coherent asked, tell what nutes, what ph you have etc. The more info, the better the help.
Thanks guys. It’s a living soil grow that I am supplementing with worm castings, bat guano, kelp, bonemeal and calmag. I think the calmag nutes may be of poor quality though so I am going to sub them out for some better quality nutes. PH of run off is sitting at about 6.2.
Looks like potassium deficiency to me but need more details. Can you post a pic of the whole plant? One way to help narrow it down is to figure out if it's a mobile or immobile nutrient. K is a mobile nutrient so the deficiency would start on older lower leaves and progress up the plant.

When you say supplementing did you premix the soil with those amendments, are you top dressing or using a tea? And do you know the pH of your water or nutrient mix going in?
Hey thanks for checking in. Turns out it was either calcium or magnesium. The supplement I was using for Cal Mag was a powder and wasn’t properly soluble. Upgraded the nutes and they are looking much healthier. Was checking PH based on run off and top dressed as well as make tea.


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Hey thanks for checking in. Turns out it was either calcium or magnesium. The supplement I was using for Cal Mag was a powder and wasn’t properly soluble. Upgraded the nutes and they are looking much healthier. Was checking PH based on run off and top dressed as well as make tea.
like lack of p and k don’t quote me but i read somewhere that showes first intervanal lol or how ever it’s spelled in the veins first
Nice post BTW... :D try to provide the picture of the leaf to which this post was refered. If I remember good, your leaf had brown edges and tips, not like this one. Some deficiencies can look almost the same...
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