Looks healthy. I do see the yellow starting to form on the top though. Wouldn't do anything drastic, might just wanna supplement a little less nutrient, there's a lot going on there.
A drink of plain water should clear it right up, and just a touch less nutrient. The ratio seems good to me, just a bit too strong.
Good luck in flower, keep the nitrogen up for the first few weeks, until stretch is over. The fish fertilizer will help with that, since you're already using a bloom feed. Watch you don't overdo the fish, it'll contain a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus, which will reap havoc with your bloom fertilizer.
Just keep the feeds light, the plant nice and green, and the plant will do the rest.
Plant looks nice, good luck rest of the way!
Edit: looking again it looks a little variagated, could even be a mutation.