Leaf stems splitting, making 2 half leaves. (Mutation)


I am growing dwc and i noticed this just now while trimming. I have never seen this and can't find anything about it searching Google just now, if anyone could give me some insight it would be much appreciated! What is it called? Does it harm the plant? What causes it, and is it preventable?


Is that all over the plant or just a couple of leaves? Mutants sometimes have great bud but unless it's all over it's not really a mutant.

I have seen that happen before. It's pretty odd for sure. It's probably similar to variegation but without the color difference. Does the plant have any flat stems? Never know it may become your best plant.
I've had something similar before, too, it was nutrition related/ caused. I've chaotically mixed some soil and the plants seeded in it all displayed strange growth issues, from self-topping to variegation, phyllotaxis went arbitrary, but also something nice came out of it: 4 buds per node


After repotting into professional soil the new leaves came out normal again.... even strains which didnt display growthproblems changed their leaf-form.

A shame I cant reproduce it...