Leaf tips shriveling, stunted growth


Active Member
Hey all,
I got two clones recently for medicinal growing and transplanted them to soil (never grown before!). One of them is growing, albeit with leaf problems, but the other one seems to be stunted. Both of them have leaf tips that are browning and crumbling, and the little one has this problem even on the tiny leaves that are forming in the center. They're growing in soil, in pots. For the first few days I kept them outside or near a window during the day and moved them inside at night. After that I started keeping them outside but had to bring them in on days when the gardener was here (2x a week). I just got a light so I could keep them inside. I've been watering them every 2-3 days. They're in organic soil with bat guano, etc. I know I need to have them under light for much longer than they have been since I want them to grow more before flowering, but what is wrong with the leaves, and the little plant? Any ideas? Thanks!!



Active Member
They`re scorched,too much heat,wind drying them out,no need to feed them till much more growth appears,the root system will still be fragile,keep them moist and introduce them slowly to the outside e.g in the shade,not behind a window,they`ll survive just take it easy.good luck!


Active Member
They`re scorched,too much heat,wind drying them out,no need to feed them till much more growth appears,the root system will still be fragile,keep them moist and introduce them slowly to the outside e.g in the shade,not behind a window,they`ll survive just take it easy.good luck!
This was happening to the leaves even before I started putting them outside, if that helps. The plan is to keep them inside at this point - I don't want the gardener to see them, but my main concern in this neighborhood is that they might get stolen; our backyard is right on the alley.

Any suggestions for the lights?



Active Member
the thing to consider re light is the spectrum needed for good plant growth,mainly blue for veg n red for flower,then it`s down to intensity,convenience,cost etc. the stronger the light the better the growth,tho this brings with it its own problems ie heat n so on,keep researching as much as u can & take it from there.oh & a window can easily cause heat stress in strong light conditions. all the best