leaff problem!,i have pics


this is my first grow,could anybody tell what the spots on the leaf below mean and why my lower leafs are starting to yellow and die?,is this a natural thing,oh and i also posted some pics of my flowering sativa dominant pant


Well-Known Member
the rest of the plants looks good and is doing ok yes??? It is not uncommon for lower leaves to die off due to the nutrients being pulled mostly to fuel the growing top. The dots look like a bug problem. inspect the undersides of leaves to be sure. If not it could be waterspots that burnt ur plant from the sun.


yeah the rest of the plant looks good,and ok i think it is just burn spots...so i've been usin 1/3 strength nutes,i think i need to bump it up to full strength since its killing leaves to get nutes right?


Well-Known Member
well mg isnt a good idea anyway so I dont know about that. If you insist on using it than dont give them more. that shit will mangle ur plants.


Well-Known Member
When you say you fed it 1/3 strength, how much did you give it? There's a big difference between giving it one gallon, or 5. How long since the last feeding? It's lacking nitrogen, so if it's been more than 5 days or so since you've fed it, I'd give it some more, like 2-3 gallons of 1/2 strength,(depending on what you've been using.) then see if the foliage starts getting a darker green. Watch for the upper leaf tips to start turning brown, that'll tell ya that you're borderline overfert, and need to back off.


When you say you fed it 1/3 strength, how much did you give it? There's a big difference between giving it one gallon, or 5. How long since the last feeding? It's lacking nitrogen, so if it's been more than 5 days or so since you've fed it, I'd give it some more, like 2-3 gallons of 1/2 strength,(depending on what you've been using.) then see if the foliage starts getting a darker green. Watch for the upper leaf tips to start turning brown, that'll tell ya that you're borderline overfert, and need to back off.
much much better answer,thx jawbrodt...i wasnt giving it enough of the nutrient solution,thats what i've been doing wrong but i got it now
well i can see ur in flowering well during flowering leaves will die off just pull off the unnecessary foliage and move on dont try to fix a nitrogen defeciency u dont wont to stretch her


Well-Known Member
^He's right, listen to him. Man, I'm slippin', I didn't even notice that it was flowering, til now. Doh!lol Yeah, you don't want to give it too much N at this point, or you'll end up losing some yield. If you want to go with using 1/3 strength MG, that'll slow the yellowing, but, then I'd switch to your bloom fert, after that. Actually, it depends on how close it is to being mature. If there were 6 weeks left, I'd give it some veg fert, if there were 3, I'd switch right to bloom. Either fert will be safe, as long as you stick with bloom, afterwards.

That wasn't much help, was it?lol Okay, I'll flip a coin.... :lol:

I go with one more dose of the MG. if it were me. :)


okk, but isnt 15-30-15 the right npk percentages to use for flowering? and how much of the nutrient solution should i give my plant when i feed it?


New Member
u shouldnt deprive ur plant of any nutrient until it is time to flush
and from the looks of it,u r a while from harvest
the plant will tell u what it wants,and obviously this one wants nitrogen
depriving her of nitrogen at this point will reduce yeild
but u can do what u want


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, you don't want to starve it, either. The 15-30-15 should do the trick. It has enough N to keep it going, and the extra P keep up with the flowering process. :)


Well-Known Member
ok...so i should what one dude said to do,feed my plant 2-3 gallons of nute water?

You use enough to make sure that all the roots get moistened by the mix. 1/3 strength, is 1/3 strength, no matter how much you pour on the soil. :)


New Member
ok...so i should what one dude said to do,feed my plant 2-3 gallons of nute water?
mix ur nutes a lil stronger then what u r doin now
after a couple feedings,if the problem hasnt stopped...mix a lil stronger