Leafless at the top!


Well-Known Member
Apologies if it's another re-post but diddnt know what to search for and what I did search showed nothing.
I've got a few plants under 2 x 250w hps lights (ultra lemon haze autos). About 60 days from seed. Aside from 2 of the plants not even beginning to flower yet. This one plants looks particularly strange. There is no leaves at the top of the plant just very fair weak looking buds.
Anybody experience anything like this before?



Well-Known Member
If that top cola is stretching to reach the light those bottom ones are surely waaaay to far from the light.

I'd Supercrop that top one and even the canopy then lower the light.

There is no fixing it. There is only do better from here to maximize what you get.

Which honestly won't be stellar by any means.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the reply. It may be un repairable but atleast I know I'm not dealing with a contagious disease or something :D. Lesson learned cheers for clearing things up

go go kid

Well-Known Member
its not a total loss, you will get a small crop of sativa grass, very nice smoke, so its worth the bending of the branches to get the highest yeald you can.
dont give uo on it, you will be rewarded


Well-Known Member
It's marginally repairable. Throw a loop of twine or whatever around the nodes at the top. Pick a large curve apex to bend down and keep finger pressure there as you pull the top down to prevent folding in the stem. Increase the angle down every day until you get the top below the next largest branch. Keep the top there by adjusting daily to compensate for any upward growth from the top. Lower the light!
Good luck