Leafs tips curling up


Well-Known Member
Hellos everyone recently ran across a problem it’s been 1 week im having this issues

Lights are Luxx DE 1000w
3’ away at 800watts currently

I was thinking it’s heat stress
But I’ve had the same strain 2’ away at 1000watts with same lighting and never had curl

I just entered week 2 of flower (day 8)
I’m doing drip feed to waste

running Athena blended line
Ph before I start feeding is 5.8
Ec is 2.0
Run off is at 5.8 -5.9
Ec 2.3

bouta week ago when I first noticed problem
I check my run off ph and it was at 6.4 so I got it down

my room temps/humidity a week ago where

Now I have my temps at 78/60

any ideas what my problem can be
I had a minor thrip problem I resolved and ive been monitoring my plants haven’t seen no sign of them or and other pests

My plants leafs have been up and praying for the past 3 weeks they’re still praying even with the curl
I don’t want this to affect my flower and yield
Any info is greatly appreciated

I can post more pics if needed
Could be light stress... can you raise your lights up any? I usually trim those huge fan leaves indoors since they block so much light and airflow. You might want to get your temps down a bit to 75...
What strain is it?
I ran alien rift a few years back and it was well known that the leaves would have leaf margin rolling. Pretty much all the alien rift did it
Actually have a seedling doing the same thing right now
Your plants look super healthy
Could be light stress... can you raise your lights up any? I usually trim those huge fan leaves indoors since they block so much light and airflow. You might want to get your temps down a bit to 75...

lights are maxedout touching ceiling

I’ll give that a try
I usually defoliate around day 21
What strain is it?
I ran alien rift a few years back and it was well known that the leaves would have leaf margin rolling. Pretty much all the alien rift did it
Actually have a seedling doing the same thing right now
Your plants look super healthy

strains are
Ice cream cake
London pound cake