Well-Known Member
So this will be my second time using dwc for growing. First time was kinda...meh. Once I got the nutrients tuned in it took off like a...you fill it in. Planted lagged at first until I used cal mag full strength. The whole grow was accidental so to speak and suffered a bit with light contamination from timers pulling out or getting bumped so the one hydro plant hermied on me. Long story short I'm attempting to run another system with different diy equipment, but in the cold months and in my attic. So it is impressive I have no leaks. What chemicals would any reader recommend for joint compound so I won't have a connection failure. I'm thinking I can elongate the bucket by adding onto it with more buckets with bottom half cut out if need to keep roots free from holes. This was and will be rdwc so that the cold can keep the reservoir cool but grow space warm. Does JB weld do alright on PVC?