Least hands on method of growing?


Active Member
I know there's no absolute hands off method of growing good bud. I'm just wondering what the least hands on method is.

Soil or hydro? And if Hydro which type?

I know hydro would require a good reservoir cleaning every week or every other week, but the automated watering sounds very nice.

If I did soil would I be able to automate my watering also?

So far only thing I know I'll be using is a 400W HPS light, a 3'x3' grow tent, and a 6" centri fan with carbon filter... everything else I'm still up in the air about.

I really just want the least amount of maintenance and least finicky type of growing.

Only reason I look to hydro is because of the automated watering, I really don't want to miss a watering and sometimes I'll be away from the plants maybe for a day or two.

Any input?


Well-Known Member
I would recommend growing in either rockwool or soil then. I grow in rockwool and only water every 4 or 5 days. You could easily set up a pump and timer to do it automatically for you. The only thing you have to watch out for is over watering but it's not hard.

You can also set it up to just drain to waist so you don;t have to worry about maintaining the res to much. Just fill it up mix the nutes ph and then once it's empty wipe it out real quick and do it again. No need for daily ph and ec adjustments. I'm super lazy and this is how I do it and my plants do well. They suffer more from growing into the lights than anything else so that is a testament to my ultimate level of laziness.

I know there's no absolute hands off method of growing good bud. I'm just wondering what the least hands on method is.

Soil or hydro? And if Hydro which type?

I know hydro would require a good reservoir cleaning every week or every other week, but the automated watering sounds very nice.

If I did soil would I be able to automate my watering also?

So far only thing I know I'll be using is a 400W HPS light, a 3'x3' grow tent, and a 6" centri fan with carbon filter... everything else I'm still up in the air about.

I really just want the least amount of maintenance and least finicky type of growing.

Only reason I look to hydro is because of the automated watering, I really don't want to miss a watering and sometimes I'll be away from the plants maybe for a day or two.

Any input?