Leave Droopy and purple


Well-Known Member
My understanding is Coco should never be dry and fed daily. Did you do any research on your choice of media first?


Well-Known Member
You cant over water 5 gl of coco. Was that the first feed you gave it? Coco guys and girls will be along to help better. Thats just what stuck out to me


Well-Known Member
Coco should never dry out. It’s not soil. Feed every day at least one a day in veg. Multiple times per day in flower. Until there is about 20% runoff. You should run a little extra through the first couple times to flush that salt build up out


Lift ur light higher if ur using led or dim it if u can that looks like led burn to me

and u can over water coco when u don’t have decent roots u have to let the root search to root out the pot then u can water more often but don’t keep it soaked all the time