Leaves are curling and are yellow

I need help, my bottom nodes are turning yellow and curling. At the top node, the two biggest leaves are slightly turning yellow. Any information will help. Here are some pictures.



Well-Known Member
Your PH is way too high. You need a PH pen to adjust your PH before you water. No Nutes at this stage, still too young. Check heat in the box, could be way too hot. Remember temps over 85 and your plant will almost stop growing or die. Also, as much as you want to water this baby, too much water will rot her up. Water only when you feel that the potter is light. Too much water is almost as bad as too little water. Good luck. Save your money cuz you have a shopping list of shit you need.


Well-Known Member
dont rely on that ph meter mate, there all screwed and only good for finding light hot spots. Tommorow grab a ph test kit at your pet store, say you need a ph kit for your fish tank. I think they normaly die off man, only a noobie here some of mine have them still others dont, there just the primer leaves and arnet real leaves. Around 6.5-6.8 ph for soil and remember that meter is useless and get a real ph test kit there like $4 lol


Well-Known Member
dude u look like u might have the same problem i had , if its not the ph it could be that the soil u have has ferts in it and u could be overwatering it and burning the plant , make sure u only water every 3 days roughly , i was feeding my plant twice i day and i fried all 4 of my plants.

U Live and learn amirite ?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you using? It is awfully far away from your plant, causing it to stretch.

Don't overwater. Let the soil dry out COMPLETELY before watering again. The pot will feel almost empty.

What setting is that meter of yours on in the pic? I know it isn't reading all three of those parameters at once...