leaves are dieing but still budding 7 weeks old


Active Member
Hi guys this is what they look like 4wks ago after transplant
bucket.01.jpgI gave them straight ph balance water for 2 watering.Then started them on 1/4 nutes useing Growtec nutes did that twice.They now need watering don't know whats next move .This is them now,PS first growp_00041.jpgp_00042.jpgp_00046.jpgp_00044.jpgp_00043.jpgp_00045.jpg


Well-Known Member
Next move woud be to kill the spider mites.

You are 7 weeks in to flower, so I would just get a wet cloth and carefully clean each of the fan leaves to knock the mites off. You'd be amazed how much damage those bastards can do in a week and it would be worth your while to get them off even this late in flower. Don't spray anything though, not even neem, you are just too far along.

Those little yellow dots on the fan leaves means spider mites are removing the chlorophyll which reduces photosynthesis, which stunts plant growth in a bad way.

Be sure to kill them before you put another batch into flower. Einstein oil works for me everytime, but you can't hit them in the late stages of flower because it will make it taste like the neem. Once you smell the stuff, you'll understand.


Active Member
I had flies there down to a few, was using enstien oil on them , didn't know i had spider mites will have to look closer.I'll get back at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
That einstein oil works great if used properly. Gotta hit the tops and bottoms of the leaves, simply spraying over the top like so many guys do won't get rid of the mites, they will just hide on the bottom side of the leaves.

I hit them every 3 days with 2T of einstein oil to a 24oz bottle with a drop of baby shampoo for 2 weeks when they become a problem. Look for tiny white eggs on the bottoms of the leaves, and little blackish brown dots. You can see them with your naked eye, get a tooth pick or a fan leaf off the ground and poke anything that looks like it could be a mite, if it moves......................


Active Member
Thanks alot spandy ,because I did spray BUT not good enough ,I didn't know i had mites. I was having to much fun with the flies and I started off wrong with a dirty box built from junk behind the garage. Its was my first grow from seeds i got in a bag ,started out as a joke I just threw them in a cup and one thing lead to the next. Funny thing though I love it ,its definitely a new hobby. Would have never got this far without the help of this site its great [THANKS again], just happy to get to bud stage. So if i get rid of mites at this sage will the plant start to grow again , and how far am I away from harvest.