Leaves are starting to yellow on top and bottom of plant


New Member
Hello, I’m new to growing and my plant is starting to yellow on the top and the bottom of the plant the leaves in the middle tips are starting to yellow. I just got a 2x2x4 tent and now the light is closer than it used to be just growing in my closet I thought that could be the issue but I really am not too sure. Does anyone know what I should do. Thank you!2B68F8C7-23FA-42ED-A19D-8EF05E3A630E.jpeg



New Member
You should provide more information regarding your grow. Nutrients, soil, etc...
Sorry, I have a 110 watt led light, I’m growing in some homedepot indoor potting mix that says it has 6 months of nutrients I haven’t started using any other nutrients yet.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I have a 110 watt led light, I’m growing in some homedepot indoor potting mix that says it has 6 months of nutrients I haven’t started using any other nutrients yet.
Timed released soil can be problematic with cannabis. Do you have nutrients? If so what kind. You have to be careful feeding or you can end up overfeeding really easy because of fertilizer already in the soil which is released over time.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
The best way to know what is wrong is to look at what changed

The light being too close certainly could be one issue and built in nutrients make it impossible to make feed changes


New Member
Timed released soil can be problematic with cannabis. Do you have nutrients? If so what kind. You have to be careful feeding or you can end up overfeeding really easy because of fertilizer already in the soil which is released over time.
I don’t have any nutrients right now I thought it would probably make it worse


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow indoor potting mix
That's what I assumed. Don't worry about it now but in the future get something different if you can. Depending on where you are located there may be different options at different places.

It's difficult to work with that soil with cannabis but there are some people that use it with decent results. You are going to need to feed but what you feed matters. The timed release fertilizer in that soil doesn't contain any micronutrients it's just NPK, calcium, and sulfur with more nitrogen than anything else. The levels of each are going to vary depending on how fast they're released which makes it difficult to add anything you need without adding too much of something you don't. It's like you have what the plant needs but you can't control what is released when the plant needs it. That works fine for many plants but cannabis can be finicky at times.

I would get something like GH FloraNova Bloom. Start feeding at 1/2 strength but not every watering. Feed-water-feed and if you start to see the tips turning brown more than they are then go to feed-water-water-feed-water-water.

I don't use that particular nutrient but have in the past. The reason I recommend it is because it contains everything. In fact you can use it from start to finish in any soil, coco, etc... You can get it on amazon for about $20 a quart.

Good luck


New Member
That's what I assumed. Don't worry about it now but in the future get something different if you can. Depending on where you are located there may be different options at different places.

It's difficult to work with that soil with cannabis but there are some people that use it with decent results. You are going to need to feed but what you feed matters. The timed release fertilizer in that soil doesn't contain any micronutrients it's just NPK, calcium, and sulfur with more nitrogen than anything else. The levels of each are going to vary depending on how fast they're released which makes it difficult to add anything you need without adding too much of something you don't. It's like you have what the plant needs but you can't control what is released when the plant needs it. That works fine for many plants but cannabis can be finicky at times.

I would get something like GH FloraNova Bloom. Start feeding at 1/2 strength but not every watering. Feed-water-feed and if you start to see the tips turning brown more than they are then go to feed-water-water-feed-water-water.

I don't use that particular nutrient but have in the past. The reason I recommend it is because it contains everything. In fact you can use it from start to finish in any soil, coco, etc... You can get it on amazon for about $20 a quart.

Good luck
Thank you for all the information I really appreciate it! Yeah next one I’m going to try coco.