leaves burnt? Anything i can do to help them

Well im growing with cfls, and i went away for 2 days and the plants decided to start growing like crazy when i got back they were touching the lights, only one was badly burned the other few have minor burns will they survive? is there anything that will help them?


Well-Known Member
Yes most likely they will survive.. back your lights off a bit and keep an eye on them cause these ladies can grow FAST.. Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Well im growing with cfls, and i went away for 2 days and the plants decided to start growing like crazy when i got back they were touching the lights, only one was badly burned the other few have minor burns will they survive?
is there anything that will help them?[/

No if theyre burnt theyre dead. You cant put ice or ointment on the burn if thats what your getting at.


Well-Known Member
personally i think C F L s are great for vegging but you do have to watch out for the bulbs what ever they touch even a little bit ,...it will burn!!!... a good trick is to put your hand next to the bulb if your hand cant take it chances are your plant cant either.....good luck...youre plant will be fine i guarentee but watch the bulbs