Leaves curled up and are crunchy?

i left town for four days and came back to these curled fan leaves that appear to be dying. i am 4 weeks into flowering, i've been using a 1-4-5 fert twice a week to the appropriate proportions. im assuming i have a Ph problem and from that i've gotten nutrient lockout, but i want to get a more experienced opinion
plase help!
. Photo on 9-25-12 at 11.50 AM #3.jpgPhoto on 9-25-12 at 11.51 AM.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn or heat stress,but it could be under watering also,i have to water my plants every 1-2 days or they will look shitty,they get bigger and drink/eat
a lil more than usual.


Active Member
Did you notice on-set of this problem? It didn't happen over the past 4 days of regular conditions. I see the "rust" spots as a past problem left un-corrected. I have noticed similar spots the oldest leaves of my vegitating plants.


Well-Known Member
When you went away you left it far too close to the light and the room got hot without you opening the door, burnt and very stressed, hope for best.