Leaves curling after watering

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
Hey! Been noticing my plants are getting the “claw” leaves soon after watering then a few hours later they pray towards the light. Kinda confused on this one because I know I’m not overwatering. I let one of them start to wilt (underwater) and even then after I watered the leaves curled for a bit. This time around I’m using FFOF which seems to have pretty decent drainage. I don’t water until run off. Any ideas? Not posting pics but they all are green and healthy
what, the plant having trouble drawing water up? is this strain by strain thing, as i have multiple strains and some do it , some dont. but whhen im growing a single strain , multiple plants of the same strain they all do it. i just put it down to shock, but interested to hear about capilliary action.
Its just a theory but think of the leaves up and down motion as the lever on a pump drawing water from the roots. Let me go ask the plants.
now i understand what you were saying thanx DoubleAtotheRON
Think of it as your own body... when you wake up you're drowsy and limp.. you get some coffee and breakfast, (light and nutes), you slowly wake up, and after a full meal, you may want to spring into action and sometimes you may want to take a break and sit down till your food digests. (us old people).. by the end of the day (light cycle) you're getting tired and just want to lay down, or chill. (droop)... it's a living creature, just like us.
I believe our biology is vastly matching plant DNA. Scary but real.
Obsoletely!.. like when breeding. You're going to have 1000's of "kids" (seeds), but those kids are all going to be a little different because they are taking on thier parents DNA just a bit different. Strains are so diluted these days that its kind of a crap shoot to find a good pheno. Im sure back in the day when there where true land run strains, it was easier to find and replicate those phenos,... but with so much cross breeding these days, you might find 2 out of 30 keepers of the same strain.
we can survive on a vegan diet and live verry healthaly. im not against meat, but id ratyher hunt for it myself and fish for food myself. all those chemicals and growth hormones in animals destined for the dinner table turn me right off eating them
Not to throw this thread totally off subject, but I agree with you that the general food quality is shit... at least here in the US.. I've traveled to Europe and ate like a king with no belly problems.... I get back after 3 weeks and go to a local fast food place, and my guts turn to shit for a while. I need to find a better food supply... like a local farmer with a fresh steer, and grow my own veggies (wished I had time for that)... it really does make a big difference is how you feel. Micky D's, Sonic, Whatsburger, , all that shit is really crap food for humans.