out of the 4 different strains i have outside only the 2 chocolopes i have leaves are curling down, anyone have any ideas what this could be? its showing up on the new growth first and yes it looks just as bad in the day time
I hardly know shit, but I am dealing with the same thing turns out to be nitrogen toxicity in my case. Uncle Ben is a really smart dude, I hit up Gandalfdagreen he helped me out alot! https://www.rollitup.org/blogs/blog28931-plant-moisture-stress-symptoms-solutions.html I suggest backing off the nutes if you added any. Good luck getting any responses without a complete laundry list of what you got going on. Strain, soil, lighting, nutes, etc. https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/696180-drooping-crisp-textured-leaves-first.html This is my thread. And this was Gandalfdagreens advice which has been working. Easy to fix. This is how you have to do this or you are in big trouble. I want you to go out and get Fox Farm Happy Frogt omorrow. Take those out of the FFOF tomorrow. It is too hot. Do not water these tonight. No more nutes. None at all. Water lightly tomorrow after transplanting. At the grow store I want you to buy some Mycos and Azos. Sprinkle into the transplant hole before you put plants in. I promise if you let them heal for 2-3 weeks and then transplant into a 50-50 mix of HF and OF you will be so happy and so will your plants. We will get that soil to be alive again. I think you should also buy a bag of earthworm castings. Mix 4 cups into the HF. From here on you may just use Big Bloom and sprinkle the EWC as a top dressing. The Mycos and Azos will get your soil to live and do the work for you. We will feed your soil a tsp of molasses every other week with the plain waterings. Ask any questions.
Thanks for the advice, could anybody else confirm this being a nitrogen toxicity? The leaves do look kinda dark and tomorrow ill check to see if there's any burns on the lower growth but I've never heard of this being a nitrogen toxicity
You can't go by what any one tells you dude Yo haven't even said what yo gave'em like what dirt what nutes have you use you need to post this info with some cool pic's like the one you got like what week of veg is this is this ffof and yo haven't fed it yet this is my guess it needs to be fed if it hasn't been fed understand this is just a guess but it hasn't been fed then I would feed if veg fed 1000-1200 ppms of whatever nutes you prefer I use the ph perfect