Leaves curling, Help please

first time posting can anyone help .I have a plant that just went into flowering its leaves are curling under and yellowing in spots the edges are turning purple the white hairs just started coming out.this happened with in days.it is also nute locked can anyone tell me unlock this beauty.i tryed 2 flush and clean my bucket but nuthing ph has still not moved n days.do i need to cut all nitrogen off all together.please help i would appreciate anyones advicethanks n advance


Well-Known Member
back off on the nutes and get some epsom salt and pH the water to 6.0 and add 1tbsp of epsom salt to 1 gal of water and flush. then water every 3 days with water for 1 week and this will clear it up to the best it can be then give 1/2 strength nutes every other feeding.