leaves curling!!!


Well-Known Member
the last two weeks i have been noticing my leaves are curling downwards? im running a flood and drain table and flood everday at 10pm and 6am, my ph is 6.0 and nutes are low doses right now. im wondering if im overwatering and should only flood once a day??


Well-Known Member
I can only see what your talking about in the second pic. It looks like slight over fertilzation. "Clawing" and "Ram's Horning" are the result of over feeding or over watering sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking I have been watering to much, how many times do you guys flood your tables?
Its really hard to over water in E&F. When I was in E&F I flooded way more then you and never had over-watering problems. I'm doing RDWC now and no problems from over watering and my root are always in water. Overwatering in hydro only happens when nutes are locked out so the plant is just transpiring water. Whats more likely is you had a shift in pH to the high side which creates high osmotic pressure, causing a brief period of over availability. Most likely it was caused by a temp change.


Well-Known Member
nutrient deficiency means pH is locking out what you have put in already, or your not putting enough in. check ph, then act accordingly

It can mean many things... pH comes way down the list.

all dioecious plants take nutrients in the pH ranges 4-8... the OP's pH is 6.0 which is perfect for hydro.


Well-Known Member
Its really hard to over water in E&F. When I was in E&F I flooded way more then you and never had over-watering problems. I'm doing RDWC now and no problems from over watering and my root are always in water. Overwatering in hydro only happens when nutes are locked out so the plant is just transpiring water. Whats more likely is you had a shift in pH to the high side which creates high osmotic pressure, causing a brief period of over availability. Most likely it was caused by a temp change.

ther eisn't much wrong at the moment. i think he just needs to up his feeds a little. there are reddish stems which signals that the plant is calling for P. i believe P is locked out below 5.5 and above 7.5. so he hasn't got a pH issue... P is the most finnicky nutrient when it comes to pH and availability. In my opinion he should up his feeds a little, particulalry if he's starting flower now.