Leaves edges curling upwards!!

ok I am new to the growing end of marijuana! I started my plants a week ago today under 1-1000 watt HPS! I have 6 plants total 3 being pineapple chunk and 3 being red dragon. Started both from seedlings (feminized) from Barneys. Germinated great using papertowel and dark container method! I have used no nutes yet and have been watering every day but not a lot of water! I was doing this because I was having a problem keeping my humidity up! I now have a Humidifier and water every other! I am maintaining between 74-78 degrees and about @45-50% humidity when lights are on and around 67% and 35% humidity when lights are off! Am I watering too much? Are my plants too close to the light?(tallest about 18 inches away.) I am using Pro-Mix vegatable and herb soil which is all organic soil! Does this have too high of a nute base for starting plants? I will post pics tonight when I can fiind my digital camera! No yellowing on edges so that is leading me to believe that it is heat stress! Oh my temp in garden is around 80-83%! Any and all help is much appreciated! First time so its an experience for me for a skill that I plan on mastering!
Meant to put the thumb down as this is not a good thing! This just started happening yesterday so I hope I cathc what the problem is in time! Also with the overwatering the top of the soil seems dry within 8 hours so that is why i was doing everyday! I have learned that it is best to let soil completely dry before watering again is this true?


Well-Known Member
you got a 1000W HPS 12" away from a seedling 1 week old? Up your light 2 more feet or so....:?


Yes let your soil get mostly dry before watering again. Also you quoted two different average temps 74-78, and 80-83. It sounds like you don't have a great idea to be honest, and everything you have said suggested heat stress. I think that is probably spot on. I would just add an oscilating fan at canopy height and it should take care of it. You're temperature and humidity are high so that is the reason for your soil drying out so fast. the plant is just transpiring more. But one more thing: the top of the soil is not a good indicator to if your soil is dry. Wait a few days before watering again until the leaves are droopy, then pick your pot up, now remember how light that pot is, and try to water when its almost that light again.


Oh and I didn't even notice how close you said you're light is, bring it up to at least 3 feet from the highest top.
My room temp is 74-78 my hot spot (garden) temp is the 80-83%! I have read that it is good to have an idea of room temp and garden temp thats why i got a thermo in both! I thought putting light that far away would make plants stretch so I will up the light to 3 feet away as soon as it goes on today! Thank you! Again will have pics soon!