Leaves forming claws, please help

Ok, this plant is four weeks old and has been very healthy up until now. It was flowered under CFL and was moved to a 400 Watt HPS 4 days ago. I put the plant in my flower room for 36 hours of dark before starting her on 12/12. I have been very sparing with the nutes (FF Lineup). I put a heater in the room to ensure the temps werent too low last night, but it seems to be getting worse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Thanks s7even. I have flowered at 4 weeks before and not had this problem. Could there be another issue?
I've been having a similar issue with my ladies. I haven't figured mine out yet entirely, but I think it is either over or under watering. Also, test your soil ph to make sure everything is cool.


under or over watering or possibly, a type of nutrient(s) defficiancy would be my guess. How often do you water it and what type of water, and how much each time you water
I flushed with PH balanced water tonight. Runoff after I was done was 6.8. The first of it came out at 7.9 so I am thinking that may have been the problem. I will update in a couple of days and see where I stand. Thanks for all the advice.


Well-Known Member
4 weeks old seems very young to be into flowering already id have to say theres your problem its wanting alot more light!
4 weeks is fine to flower. Ive flowered after 3 weeks and got good results..


Well-Known Member
Ok, this plant is four weeks old and has been very healthy up until now. It was flowered under CFL and was moved to a 400 Watt HPS 4 days ago. I put the plant in my flower room for 36 hours of dark before starting her on 12/12. I have been very sparing with the nutes (FF Lineup). I put a heater in the room to ensure the temps werent too low last night, but it seems to be getting worse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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best advice. Start over.. u fucked that plant up and it will not recover to be what it could be with the 400 from start.. my plants are 13 days old and bigger .. but ur problem is too much nitrogen..


Well-Known Member
If you dont want to start over give it a flush and then use the hps but make sure its not too hot cause that can contribute to the problem.. nm read u just did that but make sure u flush it very well..


Well-Known Member
what soil are you using? You do not need nutes at this point if u have good soil. If ur using Miracle grow or something like that they have time released nutes so everytime you water, or flush it it will only make it worse. If your using something with time released nute you need to put it under the sink and flush it with a good 15 + gallons of water.but like i said, at this point its easier to start over that plant will not produce much bud..