Leaves going down (picture included)


Active Member
Hello to y'all, this is my first thread in this forum. :hump:

I started this thread with picture included coz' im with a problem and till now I didnt solve it.

I used to plant outside but now I got my indoor setup and actually im growin indoor.

But my problem came from the outdoor growin, than I did transplant my plant to another soil and now shes like you see in the picture. (Im using a 250w HPS lamp, and it stays on 25 ºC and Im doing 12/12 now!

I've already thought about the pH, I use my normal water from the company.

The problem is that my plant feels like a bit dry and the leaves are down, and also the plant dont grow since 2 weeks ago, SUPER SLOW! However it seems to got a very nice color mostly on the top, hard green!

Some help and ill be glad!

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Finding out your pH would be the biggest beneficial thing you could do. How often are you watering and how much water are you using? Enough to see water drain out the bottom of the pot?


Active Member
Yes I put enough water until I see its completely full, (never overwatering).
I never checked the pH before, what do you recommend to check that? where I can find it and price?

(I dont used to water her with rules, I see by myself if the soil is or not dry)

I forgot to say this plant have already 2 months since germinating, this is not normal, i think! :P
the seeds got 3 years old, and I dont even know wich especie is it, could be that?
:) Thanks



Well-Known Member

Find something like this.

If water is not leaking out the bottom of your pot then you could have a salt build up in the middle of your soil. You should try flushing your pot with 3x as much water as it can hold in soil.

For example if you have a 1 gallon pot you flush with 3 gallons of pH corrected water. If you have a 2 gallon pot you flush with 6 gallons of pH corrected water. So on and so forth.


Active Member
like I said this plant was outside before, but "no" it cant be stress coz this problem came from outside, she stays 2weeks without growin than I change to a better soil and im doing inside right now.
She's indoor since 4 days ago and it still makes no difference, the only dif I see is that the lamp is giving a nice color on the top of the plant, to yellow green/yellow but healthy appearance and the leaves are a little bit dryed when I feel with my fingers like rough.

My water pH is: 7.6

What do yall think?

(by the way my temperature is 25/26 ºC (day), 20 ºC(night)


I wouldnt have moved her in such bad condition as transplanting probably stressed it more, but as snyder said, get some pH down. Hope it helps friend.


Active Member
Thanks for helping brothaz!

I will test another water instead my company water.

What do you recommend?
