Leaves gone crispy overnight, but still green.


Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me, since I've never read about this problem before. I'm essentially on my first grow - had one before, but it was a disaster.

I currently have eight plants grown from bagseed in organic soil under CFLs. The plants are at about three weeks. I mixed in a good amount of pelletized chicken manure when I prepped the soil and haven't done any other fertilizing, and so far they're looking pretty good. Very short, but no signs of any nutritional problems.

When I checked them after work tonight, I noticed that two of plants had developed pale green areas on their leaves. When I touched one, it crumbled. It's only affecting a few of the older leaves on these two plants. When I checked the plants last night, they were perfectly fine. Here are pictures of the affected areas:
One of the plants is a little droopy, but I'm pretty sure that's just because it's Watering Time. The only thing I can think of that may have affected them is that last night, I noticed that these large lower leaves were bent up against the sides of the pots, so I lifted them out above the edges. Could there have been something on my fingers that caused this? I'd really appreciate any help or advice!
Babies might need more water man. I also don't know about the chicken shit. That could be effecting your soil's ph for sure. Go pick up a basic kit to test water, flush your soil till it drains out the bottom with just water, and then test the ph. It also looks like it might be a little hot for them. The deep rivets in the leaves are usually a sign of heat stress.


Thanks for the advice, I balanced the soil pH before I planted, but my pH meter is really cheapo and may not be very accurate. I've ordered some test strips to try and get a better reading.

The plants were growing really slowly until this past week, and now they're shooting up and need more water every day. It's hard to keep up with them! I'll try to manage the temperature better, too. Overheating was a big part of what destroyed my first attempt. This one's been easier because the weather's cooler, but I think they got a bit too hot when we had some warm spell a little while ago.

Edited to add: Babies looked good when I got home this evening. Perked up, nice and green, and the crispiness hasn't spread at all.
Nice man good too hear. That's about what mine did. I put them through hell, just about killed them, but I think they may even be stronger from it. These guys went from f*$%d up twigs too three and and a half foot monsters :)DSC_0013.jpg