Leaves have clear Spots & Brown!!!HELP!!!First Grow.....PICS

This is my first grow and I'm using an aeroponics system with Technaflora recipe for success kit. The plant is about 40 days old and is growing vigorously. On the lower leaves there are some clear dots appearing, almost like a glue stick was smeared on the leaves. I'm also getting some brown tips but no yellowing. Does anyone have any ideas about whats wrong and what these clear dots are?????

Any info would help. THANKS

All information is fiction and created for pure entertainment purposes.



Well-Known Member
Not sure what it is but with the plant being 40 days old you should expect on the bottom leaves especially some rotting or dying. U'v done well to keep em green like that so i say theres nothing to worry about. Just let themn do there thang!
Thanks man, I was thinking I should trim some of the bottom growth cause it's growing fierce. Theres a lot of under growth but it's not ideal for getting light. I figured I should get rid of it so it don't wast energy, what you think?