Leaves Have Spots On Them!


Active Member
ok i have a baby plant that is now forming spots on them! I'm not quite sure what is causing my plant's leaves to have these light green colored spots, just plain spots, forming more every day.

Whats causing these spots?

if you folks have any slight idea what i'm talking about. please help!

pictures will be posted soon.


Well-Known Member
could be over watering or heat issues,possibly nute burn,get those pics up and i can help more bro,also check out my thread


Active Member
could be mites!!!!!!!!!!!! Pics A.S.A.P!!!!!!if u want your plants to grow, because if u have mites, the plants will slow on vegging to almost nothing, until u get them under control. Could be a mild fungus also. Thats why we need pics!!!! Azatrol if its mites!!, a little spendy but it kills eggs, bugs, and also is a anti-feedant on mites. I believe it was $100.00 for a quart. Well worth it. L:et me know!!


Well-Known Member
First if i were you i would test the pH and get a good tds meter to know how high in ppm your feed water is going into the plants, and test the run-off to see what is coming out. If you havnt done this already i would then you will know to lean more towards a nute problem or a bug problem etc.... I dont know how old your plants are but with research you can find where your ppm should be, and if in soil i like my ph 6.5-6.8. here is a ppm guide I like: Seedlings should be around 50-150 PPM
Unrooted clones to be around 100-350 PPM
small plants to be around 400-800 PPM
large plants to be around 900-1800 PPM
Last week of flowering use plain water.

In my opinion, I think your experiencing PH spotting. Good luck


Active Member

come to find out

do any of you guys have clear w/ black spots kinda looking bugs/??

because lately i've seen these clear bugs be all over on some of my baby plants causing the leafs to turn yellow.

and when you flip over the yellow part of the leaves, there are black spots under neath it. wondering if you guys have ever encountered these??



Active Member
so um...

whats the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of these spider mites!!!

cuz they are a humbug..


any ideas guys?