Leaves Thin, Dry, Curling.. Pics Inside

Hey everyone!

So I'm on week 4 of flowering with this strain that is supposedly "Cotton Candy Kush." I'm using a Coots soil recipe, watering only. Temps are around 77* F lights on, 70* F lights off, humidity is very very low.

Over the last few weeks, a decent amount of leaves have been drying up and falling off, detaching from the stem just with a light run through with my fingers. They are a bit blotchy looking, and are appearing to become thinner and curling.. kind of looks like the claw, but they are not dark green. The leaves by the highest tops seem to be affected the most, while there are some tops that are half the height and still have uniform color. What do you guys think?


Chef BrownSauce

Active Member
That's not abnormal. The leaves are yellow from low nitrogen. I'm assuming in flower you reduced the nitrogen and increased potassium. Those leaves will fall off to reserve energy for calyx (bud) growth. You can pull those off. And I would trim all the brown tips.