Leaves turing yellow to quickly


New Member
I'm 2 weeks away from the 8 week mark but I feel my leaves are turning to quickly, is there a way to stop or slow down the process. I did anticipated some leaves turning by now but not this fast.


Well-Known Member
Can you post some closer photos of the buds? What strain? Looks like a little longer than 2 weeks left but can't tell exactly. A little fade at the end isn't a bad thing, if there's really only 2 weeks left I probably wouldn't sweat it. If its more like a month then maybe your running out of juice in the soil. Looks like there is room in there to top dress or add some EWC. I dont use bottles so not sure how to advise there. Regardless your plants look awesome for a newbie!


Well-Known Member
My sour d is doing this too, I’m 4 weeks away from
Chop and she’s turning yellow. Interested to see what you learn about this, I’ll be subbed along


Well-Known Member
It really isn't all that bad, sure like others have said, even in flower you should keep giving them a bit of nitrogen. But like I said it not that bad because there is lots of green still within the bud area's that the plant could easily make it another 3 or 4 weeks without it losing to much yield! But it definitively would still be a good idea if you were to give the plant at least 2 ml of Holland Secret Grow, if that is what you are using, anytime you were to feed her up until a week before the flush! And next time, to keep your plants green all through flowering give them at least 2ml of a good nitrogen base like Holland Secret Grow even if the feeding schedule says to stop!


Well-Known Member
What lime73 says

Its a myth to cut Nitrogen in flowering. In reality plants need MORE Nitrogen in flowering than any other stage. Truth is, plants need more of everything in flowering up until the last 2 weeks, Thats and then food should never be completely eliminated. Cut back 60% yes.

All Nitrogen is, is Protein.


New Member
Thanks guys, it all looks pretry good I will try the nitrogen. I start week 7 tomorrow so we will see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I am having the same issue - day 40 into flower, the one on the top left is a little yellow compared to the other three. I just fed them all with 1 tablespoon Tiger Bloom plus 2 teaspoons Grow Big per gallon (plus cal mag, Big Bloom and Humboldt Sweet and Sticky). It seemed to maybe get a little darker green but hard to say, the others are plenty green so I'm not sure what it is. It's been a few years since I grew myself and I can't remember when the leaves start to turn naturally, sometime between 6-8 weeks seems normal to me.

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Well-Known Member
I would suggest calmag, most brands contain nitrogen. I use the general hydroponic one in flower. I use the 2 4 10 bloom base b but not the bloom base A (4 -0-0) by advanced nutrients. Along with the b-52 and big bud and my plants have stayed green all through flowers without the base. 20200918_152256.jpg