Leaves turning black? Fungus gnats? Aphids? Help please!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I have 3 plants in flower on my first grow. They are currently 18 days into flower & I noticed what I first thought to be a fungus gnat 7 days ago. I still believe that is what it is (looks like ordinary house gnat) but after reading an article online I wondered if it could be aphids? The tips of my leaves have been turning black & working there way up the Leaves then dying & falling off.

Originally I thought this was some type of mold b/c my humidity has been getting very high at night. Anywhere from 50-98. Was more towards 98 when I first noticed moldy-looking leafs, so I increased ventilation. That's the best I could do til the dehumidifier arrived which was today so hopefully this helps. Fingers crossed.

I will get some pictures up as soon as possible! There sleeping right now. Seems to be spreading at a fairly quick rate. I was originally trimming moldy-looking spots off. Then I read someone said when leaves are effected with something they let them be until they are about to fall off so it does not effect other leaves. I'm assuming this is with nutrients?
http://www.greencure.net/ (this is a fungicide)

Great stuff. I use it at 1tbsp/gal and it has no detectable taste. Make sure you turn your lights off when you spray, but this is an aid not a solution. Up your circulation too.
I agree with SnapsP, trim all the mold off and remove it from the room. If you don't want to remove the whole leaf just trim off the moldy part of it.

I am assuming you are referring to root aphids. Put some duct tape near the bast of the plants sticky side up and give it a day, if you have root aphids you will see them on the tape. It is more likely they are gnats though. Use any product with Bt in it: Gnatrol, mosquito dunks, etc. A neem or azamax soil drench will also really help.

Edit: 18 days into flower is borderline for some people to use neem or azamax for either taste or health concern reasons, so do your own research for those products.
I tried greencure and at full strength (label) it burned my leaves BUT I was using tap water so perhaps ph was way too high? I had better luck with Serenade. Either way you need to rotate treatments as nothing will stay effective.
Try to add UVB/UVA, it has always helped me with molds and bugs. Also I spray my growroom floor with organophosphates and that kills anything that touches it, even for a moment.
First off, thank you all so much for your help! How much of the leaf should I remove? I'd preferibally like to remove as little as possible since there not focused on new leaf growth anymore, but if that leaves chance for it to spread I'd rather remove the whole leaf.

After reading some, I think it's probably some type of Botrytis mold. I have increased ventilation alot. Went from 1 fan running 24/7 to 4 fans running 24/7 & added a dehumidifier in a 5x5 room. Currently waiting on gnatrol in the mail.

Unfortunately, I live 2.5 hours away from the closest hydro store so generally have to wait on mail. As far as pesticides I currently have azamax & pure green thumb veg & clone spray. Both claim to be effective against mold. Should I pick off/bag the moldy leaves then spray with one of these solutions? Or order a different one online? (Will probably do anyways for bugs & mold if you have anymore suggestions)

Put gnat nix on plants two days ago (like sand but made from glass) & have notices way less. Went from seeing 3-5 at a time to only one within a couple days. Also, waiting on DE on the mail.

I'm going to try to post pictures. Not sure if it will work. If not, ill have to wait til I go in town & have wifi.
I never had luck with Azamax on an existing mildew issue. Maybe a preventative?

Fix environmental issues and your problems go away.
If you'll notice, some of the leaves are turning light green. I think this is just a nitrogen defficency as it had been a while since I had fed them. I've also been watering very conservatively due to the gnats. These are leaves I trimmed yesterday. Just eating on my sticky traps/gnatrol then ill go back in there and take some Bette pictures actually on the plant.


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Ok thank you^^^. Is there any way to add positive rep? I really appriceate the help so would love to give you all positive feedback in return!
Azamax will work for the gnats but don't count on it for the mold. Gnatrol will definitely take care of them. Once the dehumidifier is setup your mold problems will be much easier to deal with. As far as how much to trim, I would take off about 1/2" into the healthy part of the leaf from the mold.

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Hey I just got my gnatrol wdg in the mail. The directions go by a mixing ratio of 3.2-6.4 oz./100gallons for light infestation. I've read online 4-8 tsp/gallon for heavy infestations?

My questions: •How many tsp/gallon?
•What would be considered a heavy infestation? I believe mine is light. (Generally 1 or 2, most I've ever seen at once was 2-3, maybe 4-5 within a 3-4 hour period.
•Should I water til water comes out the drain pan? I also have gnat nix so would be kind of hard to tell when leaking out bottom.

I wish the directions were a little more help!!!
Azamax will work for the gnats but don't count on it for the mold. Gnatrol will definitely take care of them. Once the dehumidifier is setup your mold problems will be much easier to deal with. As far as how much to trim, I would take off about 1/2" into the healthy part of the leaf from the mold.

Rep can be given by clicking the star shaped symbol near the bottom left of any post. +rep to you

Thank you very much good sir. The advice is much appreciated, especially on how far to trim! + Rep to you as well.
It appears like you have a light infestation. The gnat larvae tend to concentrate in the top 2" of the soil so make sure that part is thoroughly soaked. They can hatch near the drain holes in pots too so either water until there is some drainage or dunk the lower portion of the pot (bottom 1-2") into a tub filled with some solution.

I have only used mosquito dunks/neem/azamax/spinosad for control of gnats. I know many people swear by the Gnatrol though...
My guess would be to start at the lower end of the dosage maybe 3-4 tsp/gallon. You could ask in the bugs subforum for specifics.

Btw didn't get your +rep, you need to click the "add to users reputation" button as well. Just making sure you know. No sweat though man, it's the thought that counts.
Thank you very much you really helped clarify on things I was unsure of. I actually did not know that. I live way In the mountains & only have 3G for Internet & when I clicked on the star icon it didn't pop up the "add to reputation" window at first. I thought I was giving you all +rep & turns out wasn't doing anything lol.
spray the plant with iso alcohol and water, a 50/50. Not a curative, but coupled with low RH and temps and high air circulation, that should put a dent in the progress in which the mold reproduces.

Note: If in flower and your buds have trichomes, dont ever spray iso on them, even diluted. It melts gland heads.
Sea Kelp and beneficial bacteria can boost immunity to these problems (fungal). Look into sulfur burners and I always take mosquito dunks and crush them up and sprinkle them onto my soil.
Thank you very much. I have not seen a bud yet so think I'm good there & this is a great temporary solution for me seeing as I live so far from everything. Should I spray with the lights off?

On a side note: Why do people say to spray at night, so you don't burn your leaves? If so, how do you effectively do that without interrupting the light cycle?

Thanks burger! I will def read on that. Crushing up misquito bits in soil help with the mold or mainly fungus gnats?
Ok so I went & trimmed off all the moldy leaves that I could find.. Was so sad taking that many leaves off. Had two sandwhich bags full between 3 plants. I noticed some of my leaves on one strain(Flo) are a very pale/light green color. I assume this is a nitrogen or cal/mag deficiency? I just wanted to make sure that was the case, & that it didn't have to do with the molding situation. If it has to do with the mold then I need to remove them! Going to try to post a picture
Thank you very much. I have not seen a bud yet so think I'm good there & this is a great temporary solution for me seeing as I live so far from everything. Should I spray with the lights off?

On a side note: Why do people say to spray at night, so you don't burn your leaves? If so, how do you effectively do that without interrupting the light cycle?

Thanks burger! I will def read on that. Crushing up misquito bits in soil help with the mold or mainly fungus gnats?
Spray when the lights turn off, just try not to let it soak for hours. Dark and damp will make mold so its tricky. You can sneak in an hour before lights on if you keep it dark. The mosquito dunks will prevent gnats