Leaves turning yellow and brown/black dust?

Not much as it’s been flowering ..... probably from stress , stunting.
It will not grow anymore branches as that time has past since it began to bulk a little. You really won’t get much of anything from the yield sadly.

Time to start some others.
Is that a auto flower or photoperiod ,went into flower way too early
It is an auto flower, but it started busding almost immediately when I began to train it, so I believe that may have stunted the growth. But I’m unsure of the leaf problem or if the 2 are connected. She was doing well up until a few days ago, when the leaves started looking like the picture above.

this picture below was 3 days ago:025F357D-F2B2-4DE1-998A-059D3E434CBB.jpeg
Or did you start some heavy training too early and it stunted ?
I think that might have been the initial problem, which confused it into flowering early. But I’m unsure about the leaves, because it was doing fine up until a few days. This was 3 days prior: B6AF01B7-4FB7-4570-95C8-1B1BB56BA595.jpeg