Leaves wont stop droopingl!!

hello all, im growing 2 bagseeds in mg potting soil, for some reason the oldest leaves droop until the pretty much die, theres a good amnt of foliage so i wouldnt see it being too little light. it looks like watering but i dried my soil out for a few days and watered yesterday. over them is 3 cfls, 29w 55w 26w. also signs of sex?? i see two hair looking things by the nodes does anybody know if its female?? any helps greatly appreciated

---p.s im using just ph adjusted water no added nutes




Active Member
Over watered. And that isn't the sex, it's too young for the sex. Those are more branches that will be coming in. I thought that about mine too when it first did that but they grew into more leaves and then grew out to branches.



Active Member
agree with the other guys on the water. that can be a bad thing with mg. also put the lights about 2 ich above the plants not at the sides as it looks like.
good luck with rest of grow
thanks for the quick reply guys, and i only had them arranged like that cuz i was scared of too little light, would i need to add lights anytime soon if i raised them above the plant? and do yaw think ill be fine without adding additional nutes?