Led and seedling color question


Active Member
just started this new led grow , used to hps Ect , my question is it seems that my seedlings are darker green then I've seen in the past , they was germinated Jan 18 they look good no stretch in got heavy stem seem to be healthy , just curious if the led is causing the color to darken cause of more penetration or what . Soil grow , happy frog and ocean forest mix , 200wt solar flare full cycle , and 50wt illumitex sol ls , 12 inches on the 50 and 16 on the 200 , no nutes just Ph'd water , 18/6 schedule temp 70 night 75 to 79 day ,... Suppose to be LA TRAINWRECK STRAIN ... Can get pics later if needed ...


Well-Known Member
or its a different spectrum than HPS, and the plants look a little different, could that be a possibility too? :peace:


Active Member
i went night to day with what I used to have ,set up in my basement had a 14 by 10 Ac cooled 1000wt hps then went to this tent set up up stairs in a spare room couldn't use basement anymore cause of water issues , so now I'm tentin it up which hasn't been bad just diffrent and these LEDs also , but guy at grow shop said that the LEDs penetrate more and are more intense I guess so mayb that might be why there darker then I think they should be , the two big leaves are more rolled and rigged then I've seen in the past but Dnt show any signs that I would think would be from to much light or anything , leaves Dnt look try or crunchy or browning so idk ,