Active Member
image.jpg image.jpg Hello everyone.Not quite sure what's going on here.I was told it was or could be my led lights to close.can someone help me figure this out.


Well-Known Member
bleaching is just that white ...what u got going on is something totally different

we need to know
1 what are u feeding
2 what media did u use to plant in

3 have tested the PH of the soil/coco to rule out lock outs


Active Member
Also we should know what strain you're growing. Looks like a potential potassium lockout from here but the coloring is different and i'm guessing it's something unique to your genetics.


Active Member
the temperature is getting pretty cold at night when the lights are out about 55 to 60. as for soil I'm using coast of Maine it only has lobster shells in it.and I'm using general organics for nutrients as directed per gallon of water


Active Member
Also we should know what strain you're growing. Looks like a potential potassium lockout from here but the coloring is different and i'm guessing it's something unique to your genetics.
have you ever heard of bleaching, your LED light too close


Well-Known Member
those veins are Black

that is not LED light bleaching man ........... u have not done a PH test yet...........soil should be a 6.5 to high to low and stuff can not be aborbed by the plant

if your plant was white with no black veins they i say it was bleaching but it is not .......look at that color on the stems of the fan leaves that is a sign the plant is not getting something it needs in the NPK range so of the other things with the leaves also so some chemical lock out

1 test the PH of the water u are using if it is 7.0 lower it to 6.5 ......if lower then 6.5 move it to 6.5
2 set your plant over a area to flush it
3 to flush and readjust the ph u need to put 3 times the amount of soil so if u are in a 5 gallon soil planter u need to run 15 gallons of water tho the planter (the water should be set to 6.5 )
4 let the soil dry out before u water/ feed it again and increase the PK ratio u been offering


Active Member
those veins are Black

that is not LED light bleaching man ........... u have not done a PH test yet...........soil should be a 6.5 to high to low and stuff can not be aborbed by the plant

if your plant was white with no black veins they i say it was bleaching but it is not .......look at that color on the stems of the fan leaves that is a sign the plant is not getting something it needs in the NPK range so of the other things with the leaves also so some chemical lock out

1 test the PH of the water u are using if it is 7.0 lower it to 6.5 ......if lower then 6.5 move it to 6.5
2 set your plant over a area to flush it
3 to flush and readjust the ph u need to put 3 times the amount of soil so if u are in a 5 gallon soil planter u need to run 15 gallons of water tho the planter (the water should be set to 6.5 )
4 let the soil dry out before u water/ feed it again and increase the PK ratio u been offering
what's a good way to test the pH of the soil?


Well-Known Member
what's a good way to test the pH of the soil?

the best way is the run off test ..............u PH the water to 6.5 and then pour some tho .......depending on how many gallons the planter is u need to pour water tho until it comes out the bottom ...........take a glass and capture it then test that .........as it passed tho the soil it was altered from the 6.5 to what ever the soil is

the other method but less on point is a soil probe

as for the testing u can do the droplet test/paper test/meter test

this is the most on point one ......but it requires other things to work correctly storage solution.... calibration solution 4.0 /7.0/10.0


Well-Known Member
What is that I'm new too this
Ppm= parts per million. I don't know that brand of water but if they add minerals to it then it can lead to bad things such as lock out. For what it is worth, my leaves grow all sorts of weird sometimes, I've noticed that type of growth more with led grows then any other type of light--my personal observation only.

Read up on ppm a little bit. It is very useful to understand. You would need a tds meter (10 dollars on ebay)


Active Member
bleaching is just that white ...what u got going on is something totally different

we need to know
1 what are u feeding
2 what media did u use to plant in

3 have tested the PH of the soil/coco to rule out lock outs
It was a phosphorus problem


Active Member
Come on!You well-known members should know that, that's why am on the site.it was a phosphorus problem I had to do my own research.just for the future this color steam and leaf could be from lack of phosphorus