LED Clone Veg light? Help me decide to up-cycle or upgrade / replace.


Well-Known Member
Should I convert a 2' x 4' T8 4 bulb/tube Fixture to a LED bulb/tube setup for a Clone Veg light?

Thinking about converting the bulbs/tubes etc. into a LED bulb/tube setup for a Clone Veg light. The T8 bulbs in the fixture now are burnt out and not sure about the ballast. The space / clearance for mounting is not a problem. It will be in the clone / mother room.

Should I use four LED bulbs or just two LED bulbs?
Which LED Bulb / tube manufacture to is the best to use for veg & 3K, 4K or 5K specs?

Is this a good idea? Using metal tape (used to secure insulation) on the inside of the T-8 fixture to provide better light reflection, I saw the MIGRO guy use it on a UV light & fixture video for better light coverage. I did test the tape like MIRGO
with a multi-meter. I do have a pic I can post of the fixture.

Any other ideas / suggestions on how to use the fixture or
should I just scrap it? Get a new fixture w/leds bulbs / tubes?

This is my first thread post. I am just crawling growing & have yet to start learning how to clone.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for any help / ideas!
Home Depot or Amazon Phillips T8 LED retrofit 4' flouro tubes in 4000K. Not the most efficient LEDs, but I can tell you that they work quite well.
Also, do all 4 bulbs if you're gonna do it, do it all at least.
Thanks for the H.Depot etc. info.
How long have you been running them?
I will go with 4 bulbs.

I also really appreciate all of your informative posts here @ RUI.

Any thought on the metal tape or is it not needed since leds have a focused beam?