Led + mh


So I vegged the King Kush and Blue Hash Plant cuttings completely with the Blackstar in a wana be aero (no misters...but it works) setup, they did very well and stupid low temps in grow tent while pulling less than 3A! So I started up the 12/12 cycle and added 2 t12 plant lights for some supplementation. Got through to the end of the second week of flowering and decided to step up and mix in a 400w MH to kick the lux up. Using a plantmax 4200k bulb and they appear to really enjoy the mix plus it gets the humidity down around 30% with the added heat. I've seen people discuss using a mix briefly but have not ran across anyone's experiences with trying the LED/MH mix so if you have by all means share! Ill get some pics up in a day or so. Today is the first day for the MH addition.