Legal Buds


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered that too almost tried buyin em once or twice, you guys actually smoke em before?


Active Member
I got the 'Spice Gold' stuff a few times as a temporary tie over and to be honest, its crap. Costs about 20 squids and as someone said above, it justs gives you a headache. Personally, for me, it makes me go freakishly paraniod when I try mellow out and sleep my mind/imagination runs rings round me. Really nasty. Its murder to try get to sleep on. Makes me have small fits of quite severe depression every now and then and makes your eyes water the morning after. Never had that when I used to real deal.

They should ban that crap, to be honest!


Well-Known Member
its a waste of money,i bought some and...what a freaking waste of money,the only thing that it was good for was using it to practice rollin weird ass joints