legal CBD oil question

HI all,

new poster and a medical question -much obliged to all /any of you who can answer..

A mate of mine has a long term condition - chronic neuropathic pain and has sourced some CBD hemp oil to help with this.
He's now doubting the source and feels he's been scammed.
Question I have is how can you tell if the oil is the real deal or if it's a dud?
What should it smell/ look like? He's been advised to ingest it (grain of rice sized blob per day) What effect should he feel?
Thanks a mill


Well-Known Member
Pure CBD you won't really "feel" an effect. I've heard of these CBD oils derived from hemp, labeled as "legal" and on Amazon and such not containing as much CBD as they say. Best way to tell if the stuff has any useful quantity would be to have a lab test it like they do with other cannabis products for dispensaries. They'd be able to tell milligrams in the tincture. Unfortunately, its not cheap to get anything tested. Hope the oil he has does end up helping!


Well-Known Member
look at Rick Simpsons website for the oil info and dosing but that stuff is the oil..not specifically high CBD oil.
my wife uses the RSO i make. i used the video there to learn how to make it. i use 99% iso instead of naptha and so far so good. she has gotten off ALL the opiates etc she was given using the RSO


Active Member
Had a local dispensary here in Oregon test some and Sootheen brand came back quality. They sell from their website I think. It was their 24% mix that was tested


Well-Known Member
yea, I feel for you and your friend. I bought some CBD Vape oil as a test. It's easy to know THC concentration because you get really high :) CBD is tougher. unless it is tested who knows. I think the tests are about $160, but it could be worth it. I once ate a CBD chew and felt no effect at all. I was a little surprised. I thought I'd feel relaxed or something.

You can grow very high CBD strains, but they still contain THC so you will have a "high"... The alternative is to consume the high CBD/THC plant in a way that it won't be psychoactive. This gives you THCA and CBDA. People have reported amazing results from these substances. Juicing is a popular method of getting massive doses of these amazing chemicals without getting high.

Right now I am drinking herbal tea with a gram of homegrown super skunk in it. Since there is no fat in the tea the THC will not bind correctly and i won't get high, but I could receive benefits. Even if i don't there are therapeutic affects from the smell and the taste.

Check out the juicing and info on CBDA and THCA. You could grow a big batch of Barneys Farm Critical Cure and medicate.

I should also add that my friend grows weed and uses it as a topical. They mix the bud with olive oil or glycerin and let it sit in the kitchen cabinet. Whenever they have pain or a burn or a cut they just put the oil on there. It's a remedy his grandmother used in Mexico.

I grew this strain. Super Easy to grow and big yield.
