Legal light size? Can i go up as big as I want?


Well-Known Member
I am a medical pateint with the legal number of plants.
Can i just go all out and use all the power i want?
Is this wise?
I would like to upgrade my light form a 400 to a 1000. It would mean a lot more as also i will need a seperate mother cab and light soon too.
5 plants 1 mother, keep it going. I live in an apt, 1 bedroom, and just wondering what the deal is.
Should i just stay as low as I can anyway?
ty for any repsonse, looking at my light i want a bigger one.hehe


Well-Known Member
well the key is to be efficent what ur grow space the 600 watter is the most efficent and u can have 1 mother 5 clones not budding and 6 clones in full flower if ur in cali but for 6 plants why would u use a 1000 watter waste of enery i think unless ur growing them in a huge space but need to know what ur grow space in the flower is


Well-Known Member
Whoa, and good morning. I can have 12 immature I thought or 6 Mature. That is what i read. I read that to mean 12kidsthen 6 adults. So 12 clones and 6 adults.
Lets see, this grow for example is frfom seed. I have 12 going from seed. When they get ready to flower i will kil 6 (presumably, written to allow for males) and flower 6. If i want a mother i can flower 5 and keep 1 then clones when the next cycle begins or I can just go again from seed.
My space for flower is 4x4x6.5 and i fig a 600. It is also my space for veg, lol. I will keep the mum plant in a sep tent. Prob under a flouro or one day a ufo.
I guess a 600, in a one bedroom. Hell, maybe my 400 would do it, i just have read that my yeild will go up a lot.


Well-Known Member
I read you wrong I think, i though you thot me way luckier and i was doing a little wishing I was. Hehe, seriously ty for responding you aare right about the 600 and with lst my plants re looking good, i cant wait to get a vscrog set up or something.
All should be cool.
Just fun to notice 1000 watters are a lot of time cheaper to buy initially than 600s and hps or metal halide are chaper inintially than floros, not by much lol, just gotta force myself to put in a fluoro too.
For the same price i can get a hid x times the size as a flouro for the veg tent i just have to run fans and cooling equip. So i wonder about that.
anyway i gotta get some coffee i must be rambling