Legal woes of That Man’s associates


Well-Known Member
oh Bannon....guess where you get to go on July 1st...

Time has finally run out for the Svengali of the Deplorables, as Steve Bannon becomes the latest in a long list of Trump advisors to be sent to prison. Judge Carl Nichols ordered Bannon to begin his four month prison term on July 1.

Bannon was convicted at trial after refusing to appear before the J6 Committee after he was subpoenaed. Unlike his compatriot and friend Peter Navarro, Bannon's judge allowed him to stay out on bond pending appeal, which was later unanimously rejected. By delaying his sentence for so long, he will now be incarcerated during the critical months leading up to the 2024, so he only made things worse for himself by frivolously putting this off for so long.

Bannon's appeal was based on two grounds:

1. That the J6 was not a lawfully formed committee with subpoena power since Speaker Pelosi refused to accept two of the five nominees advanced by Kevin McCarthy. Pelosi refused to seat Jim Jordan and Jim Banks since they were directly involved in Trump's efforts to overturn the election. McCarthy then pulled all five members of the committee and Pelosi named Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to the committee in their place. Both gave up their seats in Congress due to MAGA ire over their service on the committee.

2. That Trump asserted Executive Privilege, leaving Bannon no choice but refuse to testify. This claim was even more ridiculous than the first. Bannon served only 7 months in the Trump Administration before being fired for repeatedly clashing with Trump staffers. His feud with Jared Kushner was likely the primary reason why Trump got rid of him, firing him by Tweet while calling him "Sloppy Steve."

All Bannon had to do was appear and answer questions. He was also free to assert his 5th Amendment rights. He failed to do either.

The Committee wanted to question Bannon because his public comments both before and after the election indicated that he was either directly involved in many of the plots to overturn the election and/or was advising others who were. Peter Navarro credited him on his podcast with being a "hero" for masterminding what became known as the infamous "Green Bay Sweep" where Members of Congress would object to the certification of the electoral votes.

Bannon may find prison a bit more difficult than most, since he will no longer have access to good scotch. A four-month detox might do him some good.

So much winning on Team Trump.


Now you get to sit in prison till after the election, no pod cast, no scotch, no running around with MTG, no nothing, just sit in a cell......yeah you will try to appeal like Navarro did, but look at him, and he's still in prison.....Buh bye
