legalization. bad thing?

hey buds, i was thinking about legalization and govt controlling/ taxing ect... if that were to happen what would be the penalty fo growin/sellin.? i worry about the people that looooooovvvee to grow and depend on the extra income. its such a great innocent hobbie. i wonder if legalization would fuck alot of us over.. dont get me wrong, i would love to smoke freely in public ect, but i would rather grow my own chronic. our underground little world of cultivation would probly crumble.... i am totally uneducated on this subject, thats why i wanna see who knows what on here.. mabe if they just decriminalized and left it up to us to supply ourselves....
You could always just keep growing. Sorry your secondary source of income would be shut off, but you could always just find another job....


Well-Known Member
The main reason it hasn't been legalized is because the government makes more money in fines then they would it taxes. With the government it's all about money. What was it Steven Colbert said?

"Fines are a tax for doing bad. Taxes are a fine for doing good."

I doubt there will be any penalties for growing. But selling would still be pretty serious. Most people wouldn't want to pay for grown pot they have to break up and roll themselves. They would much rather go to the gas station and get 20 pre rolled joints for like, $8.


Well-Known Member
they can't really take growing away from us. it's not like growing other things. this is something we love and makes us feel awesome, a lot of people will continue to grow through legalization.

the one thing that will happen though is the prices will plummet and people growing in their closets wont be able to compete with outdoor farmers. so yeah after legalization good luck making money the easy way.

but everything should be relatively good if legalized.


New Member
IF it gets legalized, look for the health issues of how it is grown to be raised. Home growers will be labeled not unlike moonshiners. Once big AG sinks their corporate teeth into it, and starts to campaign against home growing, the market will crash for "moonshiners". It wouldn't be hard to sell MJ at tobacco prices, although I think the govt. will jack the price. It will still be far more inexpensive to buy it at the convenient store than to buy it on the street.

They will heavily market that it is SAFER too.....