Legalization for Recreational Use in CO?


Well-Known Member
Just read THIS on Yahoo; you guys think this has any more chance passing than the one in CA?
"Efforts to legalize marijuana for recreational use are gaining momentum in Washington state and Colorado, despite fierce opposition from the federal government and a decades-long cultural battle over America's most commonly used illicit drug.
Officials in Washington state on Friday said an initiative to legalize pot has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in November. In Colorado, officials are likely this week to make a similar determination about an initiative there."


Well-Known Member
If I were a betting man... I'd say no way in hell that will happen in ANY state in th U.S. until it is reclassified properly or taken off the schedule altogther. It's fun to think that it could be decrimilized someday across the board, but reality says otherwise.
Even *if* a state were successful in a vote we already know that the federal government trumps the states authority due to the FDA controlling all 'drugs' in the U.S. And if a state went ahead and did it anyways the federal government would quickly retailate by cutting off ALL federal funds in regards to assistance, highways, schools and any other projects they contribute to. It's called leverage by wallet- so don't hold your breath, anyone.