legalization of marijuana


Active Member
i cant see marijuana being legalized
as much as i hate to say it the gov makes to much money off of busting people for marijuana
you think about it where i live if you have marijuana on you its $2000, $2000 dollars if your in a park and are smoking it, $20,000 to $10,000,000 for selling depending on how much you have on you, and $20,000 to $10,000,000 if you are growing marijuana

so if you think about it if the gov legalizes marijuana they would have to put a tax of at least 500% tax that means a dime would be $60 so everyones going to grow their own and then the gov will charge you to be able to grow, then your going to get dealers selling it so there is no tax ad then there going to make it illegal again thats if it makes it that far before its made illegal before that

this is my thoughts what dose everyone think???


Well-Known Member
first off - what about the people wasting it jail? is their time less valuable than some govt blood money? this is clearly not the way to profit from nature's bounty...

it is terrible that all the money that gets spent on weed every day does not benefit the system and in fact some benefits cartels and terrorist organizations.. we just need to stop the flow of that money and add a small tax to commercial sale of pot.. the current california proposal is a $50 tax on each ounce sold.. i think this is a little steep, but as price drops below the current black market prices it will become unreasonable and will be reduced.. that should net the state of california 1.5 billion dollars in the first year..

besides just taxing weed we will get money from all sorts of new enterprises that spring up centered around pot culture..

and what about hemp? how can anyone possibly ever justify ever having hemp prohibited?


Active Member
yeah i agree that there are a lot of good things that would come from legalizeing marijuana
but im trying to think like the gov they look at all the negitive things that would come from and they see profit from
it already

i agree that there are a lot of good things that would come from legalizeing marijuana more jobs from farmers that grow it
smoke shops, and all the other enterprises that it would help
im all for legalizaion of marijuana but i highly doubt that i will ever see that unless we the people as it says in the constition
say it should be a right to smoke it but there everyone wont stand up for it we the people have the power to over throw the gov but
no one is willing to stick there neck out to do it


Well-Known Member
what are any REAL negative effects from changing pot laws?

i think the constitution probably does support our individual rights to do things like smoke and drink as we please.. the bill of rights was printed on hemp right? but, taking it one step further - there is a part in the bible that says that we shall partake of all herbs on the earth.. here we go - "Genesis 29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

or perhaps we need a special constitutional amendment?

like i said in another post - why is hemp illegal anyway? is it because you could grow sativa/indica and hide it in your field?


Active Member
hemp as far as i know of everything i have read says that hemp was made illegal because of a logger
the loggers bisness was threatened from hemp so he blamed a kid that murdered his family that he was high
so they made it ilegal
so thats the most common thing i have heard

and the negitive things are driving high slow reflexes and altered state of mind


Well-Known Member
would more people really start smoking than already do though? some may try it and decide it's still not for them..

you wont be able to drive stoned any more than you are now..

and - hemp had nothing to do with anyone getting high.. i guess the politicians at the time had more to gain from current logging, petrol, textiles, animal feed and other such businesses so they stomped out the competing market.. sounds a bit contrary to free market capitalism, no..?


Well-Known Member
respect to all.they cant regulate it cos we will still get our seeds and grow,how many on riu can say its not one of their favourite hobbies?also,the shrinks say we will all have mental health issues sooner or later,maybe they think we will burden our respective health systems in years to come costing billions.beauracracy gone mad.


Well-Known Member
the gov would stand to profit way more if they lagalized it. they would be able to have a consistent intake from a tax. the problem is what do they do with all the gov employees in the field. they would be jobless or actually be able to focus on people like murderers, rapist and child molestors. also all the privatized prison systems would take a hit to since like 90% of the people in them are non violent drug offenders. heaven forbid concentrating law enforcement on these issues instead of the guy thats out trying to score a bag of smoke. thats just my opinion. I am personally sick of the way the united states gov runs our lives and hinders our will to be a free. the people that started our gov many moons ago did not intend this. gov was establish to protect and serve the peoples will. I personally am looking to relocate to the North country.

chronic vegan

Active Member
two resons why mj wont get legalized. Big business cant get patent on it. The already established and accepted industry of alcohol does not want it legalize. In addition to the textile industy(cotton). Most of all the pharmaceutical industry does not want it legalized. Second, the religious factor in our cuntry(no, it is not a typo, LOL) (USA) has done a great job Demonizing MJ.
Remember REEFER MADNESS ????? OH yea, all most forgot, I sure the cigarette industry would not be too happy if marijuana was legel.

So work the system and it your medical card.

Rmemember Hemp was legal in the USA at one time


Active Member
I would love to see marijuana legal and have thought of so many different ways to do it
the best one i have thought of is put a 15% tax on it if you buy it from a store and if you grow your own you have to buy a permit
that says you can grow it and you would be treated the same as a drunk driver if you are high while driving
and for the people that buy from a dealer still they can still get in trouble for buying illegaly and the same for the growers if they dont have a permit
and also jobs that it would create would help the economy

thats the best idea i have had to get it legalized


Well-Known Member
i've heard that the big tobacco companies already have patents on packaging and advertisement of weed cigarettes - that was in like 1995..

wouldn't it be amazing if we saw violent crime fade out in the statistics because cops didn't waste their time and money on weed..? that might be even better than saving the economy...


Well-Known Member
The tobacco companies already have the patents. Yes it would be nice to see how it would affect crime in a positive way. Really I think our gov needs a total cleansing. there are to many law enforcement that dont realize what their job actually is. there kinda on a power trip for lack of a better term. heres an example, the other day in my area we had three cops use a tazer on a 15yr old kid after they had him in cuffs he was like 120lbs. he was under the influence of alcohol. but come on now did they really need to do this. he went into conjestive heart failure and died. they also refused to let 2 RNs treat him before the ambulance could arrive. this is not the kind of people that I want to protect and serve the people. Now dont take this out of text because I know there are alot of good officers out there and I dont want to scrutinze against them for anothers actions. It just seems that things like this are happening to often.


New Member
77 billion dollars is what legalization would bring in.

Somewhere around here is a thread with an economics professor on a video. That's the total he came up with, between the savings from not criminalizing marijuana users and the tax revenue from it.

That's a lot of dollars and we're in a shit load of debt and they just keep handing out money like it's nothing. They're going to have to do something.


Well-Known Member
77 billion dollars is what legalization would bring in.

Somewhere around here is a thread with an economics professor on a video. That's the total he came up with, between the savings from not criminalizing marijuana users and the tax revenue from it.

That's a lot of dollars and we're in a shit load of debt and they just keep handing out money like it's nothing. They're going to have to do something.
I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about but...


chronic vegan

Active Member
What Is a Patent?

A patent for an invention is the grant of a property right to the inventor, issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Generally, the term of a new patent is 20 years from the date on which the application for the patent was filed in the United States or, in special cases, from the date an earlier related application was filed, subject to the payment of maintenance fees. U.S. patent grants are effective only within the United States, U.S. territories, and U.S. possessions. Under certain circumstances, patent term extensions or adjustments may be available.
The right conferred by the patent grant is, in the language of the statute and of the grant itself, “the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling” the invention in the United States or “importing” the invention into the United States. What is granted is not the right to make, use, offer for sale, sell or import, but the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing the invention. Once a patent is issued, the patentee must enforce the patent without aid of the USPTO.
There are three types of patents:
1) Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof;
2) Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture; and
3) Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant.
So You cannot patent marijuana. But you could patent specific new strains.

So to legalize marijuana would mean anyone could have it, grow it or try to create new strains (so,that specific strain could be patented and sold). But
if mj is legal why would your want to buy someone else's patented strain.
You would grow your own, it would be abundant, prices would drop, prison' s will empty out



New Member
It's all because they can't figure out a way to successfully get their hands into the pocket of the home grower. That's the big hold up, how can they get theirs from us growing at home...........