Legalize Hemp?


Well-Known Member
I haven’t been on here in a while, but today I had an idea. It started when I got my electricity bill. I noticed the price per KWH went up just over 25%. I called the electric company and they said the price usually goes up between June and October because the “public utility council” or something like that, tells them to jack up the rates.

I never received a notice informing me of the seasonally expected rate increase, but this month I did receive an extra notice in my bill, which stated:

“Now it’s easier than ever to support environmentally friendly energy generation from sources like the sun and biomass. Just sign up for Georgia Power’s Green Energy program and help bring more renewable power to Georgia, for as little as $3.50 a month (plus tax) per 100 kWh block. To learn more about Georgia Power’s Green Energy program, visit us at

That notice reminded me of a book I read, The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer.

In the book, there is a $100,000,000 Challenge to the World:
(see part on Biomass Energy). I plan to inform the power company and “public utility council” of this $100,000,000 opportunity to prove them wrong, or I will ask them to biomass hemp instead of what they are using now to increase their efficiency by four times as much or more, hopefully lowering their electricity prices. They will most likely remind me the plant is illegal in the state of Georgia, so I would like to give them a list of the law makers who can make changes. Does anyone know who should be listed: senators, congressmen, the governor? What did ya’ll do out west to get medicinal legalized?

I don’t think these bible belt politicians will legalize medicinally, but with unemployment skyrocketing and the economy freefalling, I can’t help but think the idea of a billion dollar crop might gain some attention. Most likely I am wasting my time, but if there ever was a time to do it, it would be now. Oil is destroying the Gulf of Mexico and the idea of cap and trade is coming back into the news. Call me crazy, but I would much rather grow hemp and clean the air through photosynthesis than pay excessive taxes and not do anything to help the environment.

If anyone is still reading this, do you have any ideas to help me get this ball rolling or know how state marijuana laws can be changed, influenced, manipulated, avoided…?