Let centipedes live!


Well-Known Member
I was reading up on household insects, because i’ve been dealing with ants my entire veg. I finally bought some boric acid & traps. The other day I noticed a very large & very fast centipede if I could have killed it I would have but the fucker was fast. So today I noticed a very sharp decline in the ant population. I used sugar water mixed with boric acid, then I used a air head candy and let it soak in the cocktail I concocted then placed my bait near one of the entrances to their home, and I also puffed straight boric acid onto the candy for great measure. Centipedes are our friends they naturally eat some of the insects that plague our good grow efforts! Long live the centipede!


Well-Known Member
You Should Never, Ever Squish A Centipede In Your House Because They Eat Insects

These guys like to hang out in cool damp place, and might even take up residence in your toilet if you aren't careful.

You have our blessing to remove these guys from the commode, but if you get the urge to stomp, resist.

The reason why is simple: you should never squish a centipede because it might be the only thing standing between you and a bathroom literally crawling with other gross creatures.
