Let the fun begin, First grow.. 4 Snow white feminized/1 Ripped bubba


Alright guys so this is my first grow and ive decided to go with 4 feminized nirvana snow white and a ripped bubba seed a got from a friend. My set up is as follows, a 4L by 2 1/2W by 2-4 sloping ceiling closet as my veg room. The closet is lined with Panda film and is equipped with a 400 watt MH bulb (hortilux blue spectrum) along with two inline fans. The 6 inch pulling the heat out and the 4 inch bringing in fresh air. On top of that there are two fans in there for more air circulation. My temps are currently running between 65-82 F. I suspect with winter coming i can get that down around 75.

Anyways to the fun stuff, I germed my seeds in a cup of distilled tap water ph'd to 6.8 for 24 hours removed them from the cup and put them in a damp torn in half willow bark pod and into a ziplock bag for another 24 hours. All 5 popped so I planted them in solo cups with roots organic soil and watered them until they were dripping out the bottom. All of my babies have since broke the soil have been put on an 18/6 light schedule and have been watered once. Ohh and here we are at day 9 from seed :)

IMG_0310.jpgIMG_0311.jpgPics from day 6, ill post more tnight


Well-Known Member
Looks good. I wanted to buy one of those Hortilux blue MH but there so damn expensive. What are you going to use to flower?


Haha I hear ya, it was painfully expensive but the guy at the shop gave me 20% off so i was sold. Ummm my plan for flowering is to put them in a Secret Jardin dark room 2 ( 4 by 4 ) with a 1000 watt HPS bulb and hopefully they take off from there.


Well-Known Member
They will rock under a 1000 Watts. I'll keep an eye out for your updates. I'm real interested in how that MH will work for you. I just like the idea of all that extra blue spectrum(should get vigorous growth).


So here we are day 10 from seed with nothing to do but watch these beauties grow. Wish they'd get going so i can start topping/cloning ;). Anyways heres some pics, whatcha guys think? First three are snow whites the last two pics are the ripped bubba.. IMG_0332.jpgIMG_0331.jpgIMG_0330.jpgIMG_0334.jpgIMG_0333.jpg



Haha but then my little clones wont have any light. So far the plants seem to love it but this is my first grow so what do I know.


Well-Known Member
Haha but then my little clones wont have any light. So far the plants seem to love it but this is my first grow so what do I know.
well you know enough, Very nice sprouts bro. I went and had a look to see how much one of them bulbs would cost me, a wopping 156.00 for a 600w. OUCH.


Ha well thank you im trying. Man that's brutal, I'm assuming they wouldnt give you any type of discount? and what type of bulbs do you currently use?


Well-Known Member
I just buy cheap generic no name ones and i just use them for a few grows a toss em lol.
The greenhouse i get them from seems to have an endless supply of em as I have been buying them from there for years.


Haha hey its cheap and efficient why change it. Wish mine was cheaper, best be worth it !!!!

Also I wont be hitting them with their first dose of nutes for another 5 days or so but whats you guys opinion on adding cal/mag supplement to my Fox farm feeding? I'm using Roots Organic soil.


So heres a quick update. I decided to hit them with thier first dose of nutes yesterday (day 13 from seed) and they seem to be loving it. I did add the cal/mag supplement. My plans from here are to wait till they dry up to transplant them to 1 gallon smart pots. When doing this ill add some Earth Juice Rooters Mycorrhizae, Roots Organic nitro bat guano and some local earthworm castings to the soil. Any tips or suggestions to additives and why? Ohh and here are my babies IMG_0343.jpgIMG_0342.jpgIMG_0341.jpg


Yea they really are and I just transplanted them to their 1 gallon smart pots so hopefully they are happy and GROW GROW GROW.. lol


Smart pots!!! Everything is looking good except the little runt in the corner, she looks healthy just small.
Ripped Bubba IMG_0349.jpg
Snow Whites, look at that little runt in the last photo.IMG_0348.jpgIMG_0350.jpgIMG_0351.jpg


Well-Known Member
Don't count the runt out. I usually have great success with runt's. looking very nice. Something happened to my journal so I'll pm you with updates on my grow until a mod fixes my journal. If they don't put it back up I won't start another.


Guess ill just have to wait and see what happens with runty. Really that blows, hopefully they can get that figured out but yea in the meantime send me some updates.


So here we are day 19 from seed, thinking I have about 1-2 weeks till I top/clone them... And that brings me to the next step in this adventure, setting up the clone area/new veg area. So my plan this week is to go out and get myself a Secret Jarden dark propagator tent (2x3x2) and a Sunblaze 4 bulb T5 unit. (blue spectrum of course). What do you guys think about using T5s for the whole veg cycle?

Yay more pictures lol
IMG_0354.jpg Ripped Bubba
IMG_0355.jpgIMG_0353.jpg Snow whites (Damn you runty)
IMG_0356.jpg And the whole lot...


Quick little update for ya guys. I ordered the Secret Jardin DP90 1.5 (upgraded version is 36x24x36) should be here this weekend. So unfortunately the plants have got a little bigger then I wanted them before i did my top/clone but ohh well the clones need a place to live.

Heres a few pics of them
IMG_0358.jpg Ripped Bubba
IMG_0360.jpgIMG_0361.jpgIMG_0362.jpg Snow Whites (except back right corner)
IMG_0363.jpg Ohh runty why couldn't you be like all of your sisters. (wishful thinking I know)