Let the mutant live ?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,

Just want to clear up a few questions, would appreciate some input, Ive being growing these babies for about 3 weeks now, the bottom pot on the right is yet to germinate because i had to pull out the previous mutant that just grew 1 baby leaf... now the pot on the bottom left is another mutant note that its from the same genetic as the one i pulled out, it seems to have started some new growth but im weary as to keep it going as its growing very slowly im thinking about pulling it though and planting a new seed, any suggestions ? Thank You all ! :peace:



Well-Known Member
I had one like that. I just pulled it. No time to propagate bad genes.
Thank you bro, im going to pull it as soon as the lights come on, i was thinking because i have some bagseed which was named grape chunk, not really any strain online named that from what i searched, In anycase this was called indoor by the person i got it from but it had a few seeds, it didnt seem like a hermie when i smoked it as there werent any signs of banana's or balls etc from what i can remember but im pretty worried, the top right baby which you said you liked the stem is also a bag seed which i smoked the bud from, the top left baby is The Church but ive got a 5th pot to add another seed incase of a male popping up, so basically 5 pots, 2 are growing perfectly, ive recently planted a diesel strain into the 3rd pot waiting for it to germinate & i have 2 pots left, should i plant another of the bag seed purple stem & another of the diesel ? Then ill have 1 Church, 2 Purple Bag Seed & 2 Diesel, or maybe i should put a grape chunk seedin the one.. any suggestions will be appreciated once again, thank you man :peace:


Well-Known Member
A buddy grew out some seeds and he sent me some pictures, it seems that they are pretty much normal seeds i think as some came out male & others female, just hoping that 4 out of 5 are female lol