Lethal peanut butter cookies

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Just finished whipping up a batch of these. Pretty happy how they turned out! I used 20g of fire bud and they turned out very potent. This made about 40 cookies.

Ingredients and methods I used:
2 1/2 cup sifted flour
1c white sugar and 1 cup brown
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 1/2tsp baking soda
2 egg bois
3/4 cup canna infused oil*
1/4 cup butter*
1c crunchy peanut butter

Get a medium bowl, and throw the flour, baking soda and baking powder in. Sift the flour if you can. Put it to the side.

Combine white sugar, brown sugar, egg bois and peanut butter and regular butter in a big mixing bowl, or the bowl you use on mixer if you have one. Cream together thoroughly.

Half cup by cup, slowly add flour mixture to the creamed ingredients, stirring each half cup in thoroughly. A mixer helps a lot it’s thick.

Once you have everything combined can leave it in fridge for an hour to firm but I just threw it right onto buttered baking pans. Use a tablespoon of dough per cookie.

Oven preheated to 325, baked for 13-14mins. I used a potato masher to press a design into each cookie for added looks and flatten them abit.

Enjoy your Fuego peanut butter cookies.
I’m also going to mention how I infuse. It’s pretty basic compared to some of the ways out there, and I find I don’t sacrifice too much potency.

I do my infusion and decarb all at once. I find this transfers the terpenes more effectively. I normally like to use olive oil, but the flavor can impact goods. So i use roughly a 1:4 ratio of regular olive oil to refined coconut oil. I find this is Tolerable. The whole process goes for about 40 minutes.

I put my oil on the stove with a thermometer in it or close at hand. Once you get to know your pots and stove it becomes very easy. I find the melt setting on my small burner to get it to 230f quickly and top out around 245f.

I toss the buds or concentrate in, set a timer but mainly watch the bubbles. Once the reaction slows down that’s when you can fine tune it. Decarb longer for sleepy edibles, shorter for sucker punches.
I’m also going to mention how I infuse. It’s pretty basic compared to some of the ways out there, and I find I don’t sacrifice too much potency.

I do my infusion and decarb all at once. I find this transfers the terpenes more effectively. I normally like to use olive oil, but the flavor can impact goods. So i use roughly a 1:4 ratio of regular olive oil to refined coconut oil. I find this is Tolerable. The whole process goes for about 40 minutes.

I put my oil on the stove with a thermometer in it or close at hand. Once you get to know your pots and stove it becomes very easy. I find the melt setting on my small burner to get it to 230f quickly and top out around 245f.

I toss the buds or concentrate in, set a timer but mainly watch the bubbles. Once the reaction slows down that’s when you can fine tune it. Decarb longer for sleepy edibles, shorter for sucker punches.

I've been using a similar method making coconut oil, decarbing right in the oil, but after it's been around 240° for an hour or so, I put it (crock pot) on low overnight. Maybe I don't need to leave it on low for so long...?

It definitely retains more of the flavor of the weed, plus it keeps the smell down quite a bit compared to the oven.

I've also been putting powdered CBD isolate in mine, like 1 gram per 3-4 grams of bud...really helps with the 'noids if you are prone to that with edibles...
Im getting better at making them. I make them into round balls, so the inside stays real soft. When i make the balls i use non crunchy.

Its wild how strong i can make them with spent rosin pucks. I pressed about a qp pretty shittily, so i used all the rosin soaked pucks in the oil. I have no idea what the mg is but im floored off 2 cookies and i have about 40

my eyes are beating
Lets see how high i can actually get

So far the highest ive gone is 4 cookies, and that had my eyes watering at some points because when i looked at them in the mirror my eyes stinged :eyesmoke:

Im theough and ate a dozen of them. Just 3 extra more to go until the bags finished something fun to see if i can get visuals.

ill report back soon its allready creeping up, im not going to sleep this time

Edit: Well i made this post about 10:30pm last night, it is now 8:30am. I did not sleep, im pretty sure i fought it by eating alot of chicken alfredo. I may have actually slept with my eyes open though inbetweem munchings, the open eye visuals were pretty cool, i may have been dreaming. I am still very very fried.
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