Lets infest our plants with spidermites!


New Member
So i was reading somewhere that the reasons plants produce thc and certain other cannabiods is as a defense mechanisim in the wild. People use certain training techniques like suprecropping and topping, to intentionally damage the plants, so it sets off these natural defense mechanisms. So i had an idea...

What if you intentionally infected your plants with spider mites, atleast for a short period of time?

Couldnt this be a safer alternative (potentially), than physically damaging your plants?


Well-Known Member
It could potentially do more harm than good in my opinion. I make my environment dry n it seems to make most plants want to be sticky ...


Well-Known Member
Aaah no not in my humble opinion. Trust me you don't want spider mites infesting and ravaging your buds.


Well-Known Member
I break my branches and tie them and it doesn't seem to slow growth at all. I believe it makes the plants stronger and produce better too

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So i was reading somewhere that the reasons plants produce thc and certain other cannabiods is as a defense mechanisim in the wild. People use certain training techniques like suprecropping and topping, to intentionally damage the plants, so it sets off these natural defense mechanisms. So i had an idea...

What if you intentionally infected your plants with spider mites, atleast for a short period of time?

Couldnt this be a safer alternative (potentially), than physically damaging your plants?

If you named your male cannabis plants "Sue" they will grow up tougher - Johnny Cash (from the grave)


Well-Known Member
Sannie gives his plants a dark period before harvest, I would try something like that 1st.

Some folks say letting them dry out increases it too

Both would be something I'd try before letting mites in

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Sannie gives his plants a dark period before harvest, I would try something like that 1st.

Some folks say letting them dry out increases it too

Both would be something I'd try before letting mites in
you should probably just beat yours up and see if they listen, seeing as you like that stuff