Just wanted to make a thread where we could come and talk about the stock market and maybe share some ideas. Strategies, opinions and predictions. Would rather see helping and productive chatter rather than arguing and other bs.
I just recently got into stocks (wish I got in back in 09) I know im a little late to the party but ive got a decent plan and feel like I understand economics enough to run my own acct. Im not trying to make a living but hopeing to do better than the 1% interest from the bank. If I can do better than that Im happy. I also never ever gamble so this is like educated gambling for me.
As of now Im just establishing positions and hope to hold them all for at least a year to avoid short term gains. trying to stay diverse and alternating safe/risk. although cramer says at my age I should be doing all risky ones. My plan is 10-15 stocks I can hopefully watch grow over the years. but the plans could change for sure
best one so far DOW chemical. worst is JCP I bought at what I thought was a bottom.
Not sure how much you're planning on investing or what type of plan you've got into place, like setting up a set amount per week, month, etc, or if you just have one lump sum and plan on investing it now and watching the one nest egg grow. I also don't know your age or planned horizon, but I'm guessing you're in your 20's if you're saying that Cramer says you should be buying aggressive.
Unless you have an assload of money to invest up front, I suggest looking at mutual funds. A mutual fund like buying a block of many different investments. It creates diversity, which even when investing aggressive, will provide some downside protection.
There are tons of different mutual funds available. You can funds that contain nothing but stock, you can fund that contain nothing but bonds, you can funds that contain a blend of stocks, bonds, CD's, etc. Then there even more categories within each category. For example, you can have funds that contain all aggressive stocks or tax fee bonds, and so forth.
The great part about buying mutual funds, is that you can start with a smaller amount and you can add incrementally. Personally, I like a balanced portfolio of mutual funds. I'll split the total assets between 4 or 5 mutual funds to get a diverse blend, that will provide some returns and also some protection. One of my favorite type of funds to buy/sell are growth and income blended funds. These types of funds will have a mix of stocks from companies that may pay very little, or no dividends, but are expected to grow in price(this is the growth part) and they will have stronger, more stable stocks, that have a good record of paying consistent dividends. (this is the income part). I also like to buy a fund that is mainly bonds, something that will be like an ol mule, it's not gonna do anything flashy or fancy, but it'll pay a steady, consistent rate of return, that is really conservative against a down market. Then I'd throw in a couple more funds, in smaller percentages.
Most funds there will be a minimum first purchase requirement, anywhere from $200 to $1,000, but there are the few that require high initials, then after the initial, there will be a smaller amount that you are allowed to buy each installment. Some have no minimum, some have a $25 or $50 minimum, subsequent investment.
The big advantage that buying mutual funds over individual stocks is that you can way more stocks, way cheaper. For example, if you wanted to buy McDonald's stock, and had $1,000 dollars available, you'd only get 10 shares at today's price. But, that same $1,000 could get you into hundreds of different stocks, one of which may be McDonald's.
That's just my .02..I just realized how long this post is...Damn, a Financial Advisor should not get high, then peruse the section of RIU where people are asking about stocks....I'm going back to the indoor grow and autoflower threads